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used pro audio - PA systems for sale


PA SYSTEMS Adamson SX18/Sx sub Set of 16 tops, 12 subs, Tops have 18"+10 mid+1.4" tweeter.
34,000.00 15363
PA SYSTEMS Adamson/ Yamaha MH225/B218 4 tops , 4 2x18", 1 Yamaha D2040 digital processor. Just rebuilt!All speakers just reconed, and it sounds so nice 9000.00 32379
PA SYSTEMS Apogee/Crown 3X3+rack 4 w/ dollies and covers. Updated to Series II spec. Rack has 2xMA3600, 1 MA2400, 1 MA1200, processor, 10 available. 11,500.00 11876
PA SYSTEMS Audio Analyst HDS4 with 2242s A set of 16 of these large full range speakers and enough rigging to get 16 of them into the air. 2x18",4x10",2x2" 23,500.00 14197
PA SYSTEMS Carvin As big as it gets! 8 TR1802 2x18", 8 TR1503 3 way tops, 4 TRX153 newer 3 way tops, 12 DCM2000 amps, EQ, Xover, (NEW!)40 x8 mixer! call 15336
PA SYSTEMS Dynacord Cobra IlI system 4 Tops and 4 subs, 1 rack with amps, processing and distro. Demo 23,000.00 14459
PA SYSTEMS Dynacord Cobra ll+ system 10 boxes 4 Tops and 4 subs, 1 rack with amps, processing extra 2 2x18; cabling 23,000.00 32352
PA SYSTEMS EAW 550 set kf550 (4), sb550 (4), make noise
call 14620
PA SYSTEMS EAW 750 system Now what do you get? 12 Kf750s and 6 kf755, along with dollies, covers amps processors and maybe just maybe cable! 57,000.00 16118
PA SYSTEMS EAW 850 system 16 KF850EF + 8 SB850F, conditon from EC to vgc with covers and dollies, processors, and amp rack call 14010
PA SYSTEMS EAW KF650/SB600 8 tops and 8 subs nicely matched. If needed:cable, flywear and rax available. 18,000.00 32940
PA SYSTEMS EAW KF730 line array system. Sixteen (16) KF730's, Four (4) SB730's, Four (4) EAW aluminum bumpers, warranty. 68,000.00 32111
PA SYSTEMS EAW KF750/SB1000 System of 16 tops, 8 subs, amps, processing.
call 15457
PA SYSTEMS EAW KF850/SB850 Set of 12 KF850EF tops with 6 SB850F subs, factory custom mods to improve quality of life, flyware aval. 2 sets avail 36,500.00 32308
PA SYSTEMS EAW MH102/BH550 EAW MH102 (12) and BH550 (12). Everything is good working condition., can be sold in blocks. 14,000.00 14962
PA SYSTEMS EAW stadium Array 900s KF940 horny subs(16), KF930 lows (16), KF920 mids (16), KF913 Highs (Medium Throw) (12),KF914(highs), & rigging 146,000.00 15446
PA SYSTEMS EAW, Crest, QSC, BSS, Ashly Complete 750 theatre setup Fit for a Palace wit KF750s, 755s, UB82, sm12, xmonitor ,x-8,, 9088ii-MM, protea, call for details, EC!!!!! 143,333.33 15010
PA SYSTEMS EAW, Meyer,Chevin,QSC Good Mix EAW KF650 (12)s, Meyer650r2 (8) & UPAs,(6) amps, processing ,With all cabling. Flyware. 57,000.00 32074
PA SYSTEMS EAW, Showco, Ramsa .Crown Club monitor setup wr-s840 console, eqs, wedges
tba 15932
PA SYSTEMS EAW, Soundcraft, Crown 750/850 club system KF750s, SB850s, crown amps, Vienna -ll, whirlwind snake, effects, gates, tba 15931
PA SYSTEMS EAW/Crest/XTA KF650/SB600/sb1000 system 16 tops, and 20 subs, with amps, procressing, rack, cable,l soup to nuts. 120,000.00 32821
PA SYSTEMS Electrotec/Lab-Q Lab Q-Q2s 8 stacks 8 mid/high, 8 2x15" low, 8 2x18" subs, BSS xovers too
11,000.00 32879
PA SYSTEMS Electrotec/Lab-Q, Crest, BSS Louder'n'ell 8 mid/high, 8 2x15" low, 8 2x18" subs, 2 Crest racks, BSS X-overs, call for the straight poop. 24,750.00 32828
PA SYSTEMS Electrovoice MTH/MTL rig 4 MTL-1 2x18" subs over 4 MTH1 10"+1.4" horns. Price for all VGC 5500.00 32148
PA SYSTEMS Electrovoice XLC+ racks and stax 24 XLC127+, 8 X-Line Subs, 2 bumpers, 3 shocker rax, 2 DX38 20 EV CP3000 amps, and cables. Turn key! 135,000.00 33103
PA SYSTEMS Electrovoice, Klark Teknik Flying X-array medium system

245,000.00 32371
PA SYSTEMS Electrovoice, Klark Teknik Flying X-array 44 boxes Xb 2x18 (8); Xcb 1x18 (4), Xds 2x18" ELF (8),Xcn 60x40(6), Xf Mid-Hi(12), Xn 3-way Full-range(6); racks, cables, proces 245,000.00 32054
PA SYSTEMS Electrovoice, Klark Teknik Flying X-array smallish system

245,000.00 32372
PA SYSTEMS Electrovoice, Midas Complete XLC system XLC127+(24),Subs,,XW15,2 Midas boards, processing, racks, and a truck ready to go. Ask for lots of details call $ 32340
PA SYSTEMS Grundorf, A&H advanced beginner setup GL2200-32+GL2000-32, four stacks of mid/high and subs, lites, processing, mics,cases,ready to go, go, ew low price 25,555.55 32671
PA SYSTEMS JBL Life is a Caberet system Ready for this? 2 JBL 4695(18+8+1"), 2 4699 18" sub, 2 4628 which has a 15" and an 8" . Price for all. 2200.00 15200
PA SYSTEMS JBL, Soundcraft, Peavey Pride of Harmon 8 JBL SRX725, 6 JBL SRX728 2x18" subs, 40x8 Venue II, Spirit 40ch Mon, 40 ch splitter snake, DTH Monitors, Distro, More! 32,000.00 33156
PA SYSTEMS JBL,Community,Studiomaster,qsc Turnkey Beginners system Showmix-24, QSC amps,, JBL, EV, community speakers, lots of effects. 9500.00 15033
PA SYSTEMS JBL,Soundcraft, Ashly,High End Enough to start a company K3-40, crest/qsc amps, mics, lighting, processing, speakers, cables, distro,dimmer, HES lighting, Par64s, cases more more 59,999.99 15752
PA SYSTEMS JBL/Peavey Speaker/amps 4 JBL SRX700 series Dual 15" Horns, 2 JBL SRX700 dual 18" subs, 4 Peavey GPS3500 Power Amps, JBL covers 13,000.00 32621
PA SYSTEMS Martin Audio F2 Flying Math Array Rig F2B 2x15 (20); F2R 12+2+ 2x1 (16) & F2R Bullit arrays 12+2+2 (4), With processors. 58,000.00 15333
PA SYSTEMS Martin Audio, Yamaha, A&H Wavefront smallcomplete system w8c (4) & wsx (4), sidefills, monitors, processing, amps, small mixers,& a Bsystem, all for a ready to grow company tba 32537
PA SYSTEMS McCauley McCauley Mini setup 2 15/2 Tops ., 2 118 subs Demo call 14467
PA SYSTEMS McCauley MLA5 Line array 16 tops, 8 2x18 matching subs, with or without amps to power them call 15361
PA SYSTEMS Mccauley, bassmaxx,Soundcraft, Small Festival/Longthrow syst Wow, Mint Mint system with warranties, Series Two-24,rax, Eagle 62-2(4), 2 Bassmax subbs, snake, Small festivals 21,000.00 15566
PA SYSTEMS Meyer, qsc Flying Meyers UPA/USW UPA1c (24), USW subs (4), amp/processing racks Price for all. 39,000.00 15050
PA SYSTEMS Meyer, qsc UPA1c with USW UPA1c (24), USW subs (4), processing and some rigging Price for all. 28,888.88 16058
PA SYSTEMS Nexo geo T system GEO 4805 (10) ,GEO 2815 (2) ,CD 18 bass (4) and Camco Vortec 6 amp (8), sounds nice, 120,000.00 16086
PA SYSTEMS Nexo little tiny Nexo PS10 pair; LS500 sub-woofer (1) and the the PS10 Amp with integrated system processor 4000.00 32068
PA SYSTEMS Radian A** Kicker! Meaner and louder ! with 6 Radian RPX215B (2x15"+2"), 6 Radian RPX218 (2x18)s !!! Kick A**!! 10,500.00 32694
PA SYSTEMS Renkus Heinz CE3TA, System CE3TA (4) , CE3TMH (4), CE3LO (4), and boom with C3 (8) subs, price for all with flyware 19,900.00 33226
PA SYSTEMS Sound Physics Lab/VMB SPL TD1 & VMB 218 RIG SPL-TD1 (8) and 218 VMB C2 array sub (8)
28,000.00 32182
PA SYSTEMS TurboCrown Monster PA 40 TFL760, 16 TSW721, Flyware/bars, Crown rax with 5000, 3600, 2400, 1200. 3 LMS700 , All cables. VGC! Offers! 125,000.00 14023
PA SYSTEMS Turbosound TMS3/TSW124 Set of 8 tops and 4 bottoms. Price per set. Two(2) sets available, nice shape, good sound. Never toured. 15,000.00 16029
PA SYSTEMS Turbosound, Crest, BSS TMS3/TSW124 Set of 24 tops and 12 bottoms, all the crest power you need to run these, fly bars and steel 66,000.00 33202
PA SYSTEMS Turbosound, qsc TMS3 setup 24 boxes, 6 racks of 3800s/3500s, dollies. call 32053
PA SYSTEMS Turbosound/Crown Flood system 16 TFL760, 8 TSW721, Flyware/bars, Crown rax with 5000, 3600, 2400, 1200. processing , VGC! good price 15099
PA SYSTEMS Turbosound/Crown Flood system 16 TFL760, 8 TSW721, Flyware/bars, Racks/amps/processing available too price tba 32021
PA SYSTEMS Yorkville,Fender, jBL.,QSC Little small system Elite 1004 (pr} SR4718 pr, CFX-16 mixer, ampx, racks, mics, just enough to get some sound going. 7000.00 32020

All prices in US Dollars. This page updated 9/11/06

For Questions or to order gear call 610-865-9151, fax 610-758-9999, or email .

 For Credit Card orders, please fax a written purchase order (please fax), but, do NOT email credit card numbers until we set up  secure email.

 All Prices are in US Dollars.

All gear is in satisfactory working condition, unless otherwise noted.  

All gear pricing is per individual unit, unless otherwise stated.

Please see the INFORMATION page for more details.

 H.T.I.C.S. Used Professional Audio  610  865  9151   


Providing over 15 years of used gear sales and support to the proaudio community.



Jika Anda Ingin Transaksi Cepat dan Mudah Pilihlah Slot Depo 5k Dana yang Memungkinkan Anda Melakukan Deposit Hanya dalam Beberapa Detik

Jika Anda ingin transaksi yang cepat dan mudah, pilihlah Slot Depo 5k Dana. Menggunakan aplikasi Dana memungkinkan Anda melakukan deposit hanya dalam beberapa detik, yang membuat Anda bisa segera menikmati permainan slot tanpa menunggu lama.

Mahjong Slot menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang lebih seru dengan mekanisme permainan yang terus berkembang. Mahjong Ways dan Mahjong Ways 2 menghadirkan konsep cascading reels yang membuat kemenangan terasa lebih dinamis. Scatter Hitam menjadi fitur favorit karena bisa mengaktifkan putaran gratis dengan potensi kemenangan lebih tinggi. Dengan grafis modern dan efek suara yang membuat suasana semakin imersif, permainan ini tidak pernah membosankan. Mahjong Slot menjadi pilihan tepat bagi mereka yang mencari permainan dengan kombinasi strategi dan keberuntungan.

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