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House mixing boards


used pro audio - front of house mixing boards
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath 1821 18x2x1 Very compact mixer with 2 aux and 3 band EQ with Mid sweep. No case. 300.00 1405
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath 1821 18x2x1 The same as the other 1821, but with a case for the mixer that also holds the small out board psu. GC. 350.00 1406
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL2 12+4x4x2 4 available.
500.00 32757
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL2200 24x4x2 GC., price drop, due to no case.
1700.00 10887
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL2200 32+4x4 Very little use, hybrid case, EC!!
2500.00 13997
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL2200 32+4x4x2 With case and 1 PSU. VGC!
2600.00 15304
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL2400 24 with case
2800.00 32109
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL2800 32x8 anvil-like Case with puppyhouse. EC!.
5100.00 32836
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL3 16x4x2 With case
offer? 33158
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL3 24 and 8 Case and an attached sidecar
1100.00 32369
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL3 24x4x2 With case.
950.00 9333
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL3 24x4x2 With case. EC!
1300.00 13758
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL3 24x4x2 With case
offer? 33157
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL3000 32x8x2 28 mono, 4 stereMeterbridge, switcher, 2 PSU's
3700.00 15110
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL3300 32x8x2 Meterbridge, case with doghouse,
5800.00 32218
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL3300 40x8x2 With case and 1 PSU.,
9000.00 16117
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL3300-832b 32x8 With AT case.
4999.99 15615
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL4 32x8x2 With PSU and doghouse case. GC.
3600.00 33018
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL4 32x8x2 With GL4000 faders, psu and case. Used 4 times.
3600.00 1958
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL4 32x8x2 With extended case and 1 PSU. EC!
5101.00 5869
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL4000 24x8 Only studio use and it's awesom.
4800.00 33147
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL4000-840B 40x8 with case & dual racked RPS-11 psus,
11,000.00 32108
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath GL4000-848B 48x8 with doghouse case & dual racked RPS-11 psus, and switcher. 16,000.00 32107
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath Mix Wizard 16 Works, shows some wear
500.00 15340
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath Mix Wizard 16x2 2 available.
850.00 32897
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath Mix Wizard 14:4 14

975.00 32110
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath Mix Wizard WZ16:2DX rack mixer 16x2

750.00 14705
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath ML5000 40+4x8 matrix,TP, less than a year old, warranty EC! 23,000.00 16080
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath ML5000 48+4x8x2 With doghouse case and 2 PSUs, with rack with drawer. EC! 16,999.99 10578
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath ML5000 + sidecar 48+4x8+24 Desk with 24 channel side car., covers, 3 psus. Was in a church. (The side car could be sold separately.) 23,000.00 15795
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath Scepter 12x2x1 3 band sweep mid, 2 way low, 4 aux, 2 stereo, 4 mono returns. Real faders, real quiet, real board Rack mount. 995.00 13554
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath SR16 16x4x2 With Anvil case, this board is 100%, and looks okay too.
450.00 32381
MIXERS FOH Allen & Heath SR424 24x4x2 New face panel and faders. With case.
tba 32232
MIXERS FOH Amek Recall 56 This board was about 90K when new!! Has 52 mono and 4 stereo modules; 11,000.00 33074
MIXERS FOH AMEK Recall-56 56 Full set up, A few problems, as is.
16,600.00 12615
MIXERS FOH Behringer 3208 32x8x2 With 2 PSUs. No case.
600.00 32737
MIXERS FOH Cadac J type

call 15856
MIXERS FOH Cadac K type

call 15857
MIXERS FOH Crest Century GT 23+1 4 subgroups, 4 mute groups, 8 auxes on 6 knobs, gc
2900.00 13138
MIXERS FOH Crest Century GT 37+3x8x2 With Case and 2 PSUs., always been in a theatre.
7111.11 15755
MIXERS FOH Crest Century GT-40 42x8x2 38 mono and 2 stereo inputs, 4 mutes, 8 aux on 6 knobs, Sorry, no case for this one 3111.11 33210
MIXERS FOH Crest Century GT-40 42x8x2 38 mono and 2 stereo inputs, 4 mutes, 8 aux on 6 knobs,
4555.55 32839
MIXERS FOH Crest Century GT40 40x8x2 With case and 2 psus, a little older, but only light use. Set up as 34+4x8 8200.00 12341
MIXERS FOH Crest Century GTX 52 Two power supplies
8000.00 33209
MIXERS FOH Crest Century GTX 52 Case, 2 psus
8181.81 32186
MIXERS FOH Crest Century GTX -52 46+6 VU meters, maintained every year. EC! With R&R doghouse case. 11,777.77 14945
MIXERS FOH Crest Century VX 32x8x2

8333.33 16125
MIXERS FOH Crest Century VX 36+4 with 2 PSUs, in flight case, ec
13,333.33 32648
MIXERS FOH Crest Century VX 40x8x2 Extended Jannell case and 2 PSUs. EC!
11,888.88 4014
MIXERS FOH Crest HP8 32 EC!!! 8 subgroups, (can be used as monitor board,) with a beautiful R&R doghouse case 5700.00 16012
MIXERS FOH Crest HP8 40 8 subgroups, (can be used as monitor board,) with a beautiful Star? doghouse case 7000.00 32314
MIXERS FOH Crest VX 48x8x2 With 2 PSUs and doghouse case. GC.
12,000.00 33010
MIXERS FOH Crest X-4 32x4x2 Case with doghouse & casters, 100% working, EC original owners. 6300.00 16027
MIXERS FOH Crest X-8 24x8 EC, used very little
call. 32373
MIXERS FOH Crest X-8 24x8x2 With 2 PSUs and doghouse case. GC.
3600.00 33011
MIXERS FOH Crest X-8 32x8x2 With 2 PSUs and doghouse case. GC.
5400.00 33012
MIXERS FOH Crest X-8 40+4x8 With 2 PSUs and case with doghouse
10,500.00 14946
MIXERS FOH Crest X-VCA 24x8x2 With 2 PSUs and doghouse case. GC.
4800.00 33013
MIXERS FOH Crest X-VCA 32+4x8x2 With 2 PSUs and doghouse case. GC.
5500.00 33148
MIXERS FOH DDA 08 8 An 8 channel DDA? Actually there are 2 of them. EC, call. 32374
MIXERS FOH DDA Arena 40x8x2 With D series modules, Matrix. Case and PSUs Very similar in operation to a Soundcraft 800b. price tba 15624
MIXERS FOH DDA Arena VCA 40x8 With case and 2 PSUs, 8 buss, 8 aux, 8 vca One owner! Babied 8800.00 32008
MIXERS FOH DDA Arena VCA 40x8x2 With case and 2 PSUs, 8 buss, 8 aux, 8 vca
6000.00 15341
MIXERS FOH DDA Arena VCA 64x8x2 With case and 2 PSUs, 8 buss, 8 aux, 8 vca All these channels!!! And Vca's. 13,000.00 15450

3300.00 32140
MIXERS FOH DDA Forum 40x8x2 8 mute grps, 8x8 matrix, case, 2 psus
4000.00 15449
MIXERS FOH DDA Q-II Mute 44+24 VCAs!!!! 68 channels: 44 input with 24 channel extender Total class, in an inexpensive package. 9999.99 8626
MIXERS FOH DDA Q-ll mute 48 From a church, never toured, 2 psu, 11x8 matrix, 8 scene mute groups, EC 8000.00 15946
MIXERS FOH DDA Q-Mute 32x8x2 With 2 PSUs and an extended case. EC!
4444.00 5875
MIXERS FOH Furman MM8A 8x2 Rackmount, DEMO!
149.00 9793
MIXERS FOH Gamble EX56 44 with case
14,141,41 16111
MIXERS FOH Gamble EX56 56x8x2 2 PSUs and an extended case.
30,000.00 1210
MIXERS FOH Hill J Series III 32x8x2 Famous Hill sound -8 returns with EQ. P&G faders, modular, case & 1 PSU Needs cleaning, 8 band EQ!! 2 available. 2200.00 14437
MIXERS FOH InnovaSON Compact Live
Sy-40 upgrade, with 8.1 version. with flight case with doghouse 28,000.00 15964
MIXERS FOH InnovaSON Compact Live 32x16 Sy-40 upgrade, about one year old with stagebox, with flight case. Superb condition. 35,000.00 15844
MIXERS FOH InnovaSON Compact Live 40+8x16+8 Sy-40-8 , Ver.8.1 operating sytem, case shows, with flight case. 30,000.00 15689
MIXERS FOH Innovason Essential Live 40+8 With local rack, case.
20,000.00 33201
MIXERS FOH Innovason Grand Live 64 Grand Live BUNDLE: Essential live platform, mix rack,stage box, cards, cables,case, SY80 update, motivated seller! 28,500.00 15070
MIXERS FOH InnovaSON Sensory Grand Live 48x24 Pristine, perfect condition, comes with everything Case, rack cases, cable cases oh, and a console too! 45,000.00 15435
MIXERS FOH Interface Electronics IE 104 16x4x2 In pieces, put back together, or use for parts. eight subgroup meters, eight subgroup pots, eight busses 200.00 15798
MIXERS FOH Interface Electronics IE 308 16x16x2 With a case, call for details. Ahead of it's time!! 800.00 15797
MIXERS FOH Interface Electronics IE 308 26x8x2 26x8x2 with 8x8 matrix and 8VCAs, 8 buss/mono subgroups. case call for details. Ahead of it's time!! 1700.00 15796
MIXERS FOH Kelsey Pro 2/3 series 12 From the 80s, and works like it to. May have issues and is in fair condition, but if you like these, then that's ok 150.00 32401
MIXERS FOH Kelsey Pro 2/3 Series 16 Anvil case, looks nice, can do digital recording. Every function, knob , meter & crossbar works as it should! 475.00 15847
MIXERS FOH Mackie 1402 14 With case. GC.
325.00 33021
MIXERS FOH Mackie 1604 16

389.99 14704
MIXERS FOH Mackie 1604VLZ 16

600.00 9192
MIXERS FOH Mackie 1604VLZ 16

call 15984
MIXERS FOH Mackie 32*4 32x4x2 GC with case. And there are two of them
980.00 32596
MIXERS FOH Mackie 8 Buss ?

call 33125
MIXERS FOH Mackie 8 Buss 24x8x2 With psu and case. GC.
950.00 33019
MIXERS FOH Mackie 8 Buss 24x8x2

975.00 32830
MIXERS FOH Mackie 8 Buss 24x8x2 With ATA case,
1700.00 15046
MIXERS FOH Mackie 8 Buss 32x8x2 With case, meterbridge, PSU
2200.00 32597
MIXERS FOH Mackie SR24*4 24x4 Okay shape and with a case
550.00 32058
MIXERS FOH Mackie SR32*4 28+2x4x2x1 6 aux, 1 yr warranty
1555.55 32982
MIXERS FOH Mackie SR32*4 VLZ 32x4x2 VGC, with case
1500.00 15892
MIXERS FOH Mackie SR32-VLZ 32x4 With gray fuzzie wuzzie case. VGC!
1100.00 32627
MIXERS FOH Mackie SR40 40x8 GC
5000.00 32570
MIXERS FOH Mackie SR40 40x8x2 Looks like new, was in an install, new case.
7000.00 15541
with full warranty
5800.00 15820
MIXERS FOH Midas Heritage H1000 48+4 tour pac
28,888.88 15129
MIXERS FOH Midas Heritage H2000
Full tour pac. EC! Only 3 years old.
call 16081
MIXERS FOH Midas Heritage H2000 + H2000E 40+8+16!! 40+8 and extender of 16 mono channels, really full Tour pack EC! 77,000.00 33162
MIXERS FOH Midas Heritage H3000 40+8 TP - about 4 years old.
60,999.99 15659
MIXERS FOH Midas Heritage H3000 44+4 TP - about 4 years old.
60,999.99 15883
MIXERS FOH Midas Heritage H4000 44+4 TP, Light use, Just over a two years
82,000.00 33068
MIXERS FOH Midas Legend 3000 40x8 With 2 PSUs, in near mint condition
27,000.00 31945
MIXERS FOH Midas Legend 3000 48+4 11 X 6 MATRIX.
29,000.00 33166
MIXERS FOH Midas Legend 3000 TP 44+4 DEMO TP, this is nice and very useful.
31,000.00 15012
MIXERS FOH Midas Legend 3000 TP 48+4x8 With 2 PSUs and case., almost perfect condition
32,000.00 15000
MIXERS FOH Midas Venice 320 32x4x2 With doghouse case.
4500.00 15184
MIXERS FOH Midas Verona 320 32 TP, EC
13,000.00 32955
MIXERS FOH Midas Verona 320 32 With doghouse case. DEMO!
13,500.00 15185
MIXERS FOH Midas Verona 400 40 Perfect condition, with a beautiful R&R doghouse case 30mono+8 combo;;, 90 day warranty from seller 12,555.55 16013
MIXERS FOH Midas Verona 480 40 TP, great shape, practically new
22,000.00 15127
MIXERS FOH Midas Verona 480 40x8 with case, less than 1 year old, temporarily on hold
16,400.00 15353
MIXERS FOH Midas Verona 560 56 TP
18,500.00 32183
MIXERS FOH Midas XL200 40+4 VGC, TP, Will listen to a nice offer
22,999.99 16090
MIXERS FOH Midas XL200 40+8x8 40 mono and 8 stereo
24,750.00 15458
MIXERS FOH Midas XL200 42+4x10 Midi mute! With Doghouse case and 2 PSUs.
28,000.00 11349
MIXERS FOH Midas XL200 48x10x3 With case and 2 PSUs., Serious offers considered.
27,200.00 15740
MIXERS FOH Midas XL3 20+8

29,000.00 32937
MIXERS FOH Midas XL3 40 With case
18,999.99 15302
MIXERS FOH Midas XL3 40 Meterbridge, TP, nice nice condition
23,000.00 15928
MIXERS FOH Midas XL3-48 48 TP
30,500.00 15322
MIXERS FOH Midas XL340 40x16x2 With case and 2 PSUs. 10 available.
21,000.00 5626
MIXERS FOH Midas XL340 40x16x2 With case and 2 PSUs. Center master, GC.
21,555.55 6617
MIXERS FOH Midas XL348 48x16x2 Special dual concentrics version. With case and 2 PSUs. VGC! 33,000.00 15032
MIXERS FOH Midas XL348 48x16x2 Original full tour package, with meterbridge, psus and case.
38,000.00 6375
B/C stock! warranty! Financing available! CALL for your preferred. configurations. 155,000.00 32580
MIXERS FOH Midas XL4 40+8

tba 32960
MIXERS FOH Midas XL4 40+8x8x2 From 2001
69,000.00 15572
MIXERS FOH Midas XL4 48x16x2 With case, 2 PSUs and PSU case., limited availability
65,000.00 8427
MIXERS FOH Midas XL4 48x16x2 Flight case, 2 psus
70,000.00 15448

3000.00 15991
MIXERS FOH Peavey SRC6032 32x6x2 With case, 6 aux, 6 stereo inputs., was in an install, less than 3 years of use. 2300.00 32349
MIXERS FOH Peavey SRC6032 32x6x2 With fuzzy case, 6 aux, 6 bus, 6 stereo inputs. 7 yrs old, but not much use. More board for your $!; EC! offer! 12601
2 available.
975.00 15994
MIXERS FOH Ramsa WR-8724 24x4 With extended case and 1 PSU.
1200.00 10316
MIXERS FOH Ramsa WR-S216 16 With case.
525.00 12540
MIXERS FOH Ramsa WR-S4412 12

423.00 32572
MIXERS FOH Ramsa WR-S4416 16x4x2 With case.
625.00 15369
MIXERS FOH Ramsa WR-S4520 16+4 matrix output, 4 subgroups, case, internal psu, could be good for AV too. 800.00 16050
4700.00 31997
MIXERS FOH Ramsa WR-S852 52

4900.00 32604
MIXERS FOH Ramsa WR-SX1A 48+4x10x2 Original owners, about 5 years old and well maintained 3 PSUs, Good for FOH or Mon (that 22 buss thing) 28,000.00 16097
MIXERS FOH Ramsa WR-SX1A 56x10 With doghouse case and 2 PSUs. 22 buss as a monitor. EC!, a lot of board for the money, and now a cult classic 18,888.88 8284
MIXERS FOH Rane MP44 8x2 DJ club mixer, 8 stereo inputs, less than 1 year old
650.00 32105

75.00 32801
2 available.
500.00 15995

500.00 15141
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 200B 16x4x2 With case.
750.00 15188
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 200B 16x4x2 With case on wheels.
850.00 15117
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 200B 24x4x2 (8) swept-mid modules and (16) fixed frequency fixed frequency modules, case, 2 psus
tba 31935
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 200B 8x4x2 With case and PSU.
475.00 14969
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 200SR 24x4x2

tba 15565
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 324 32 with case
5000.00 32859
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 400B 16x4x2 With 1 PSU. No case., but one might be found for it
555.55 5870
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 400B 24x4x2 With case and 2 PSUs.
1800.00 15187
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 500 36x8x2 With case and 2 supplies. Looks okay for its age, hope you do too. Offer? 3500.00 862
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 500 36x8x2 With new PSU and anvil case.
3600.00 4128
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 800 32x8x8x2 4 aux, rechipped(AD) and recapped. Star ground mod, The QUIETEST! Center master, 2 PSU .MORE! 2222.22 5462
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 8000 40x8x2 With case and 2 psus. GC.
6000.00 32889
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 800b 32x8x2 With case.
4100.00 15186
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 800B 32x8x2 Inputs have 8 aux and 8 subs with 4 band eq,64pt matrix, Cases, work perfectly. One year warranty. 4100.00 12391
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 800B 32x8x2 From a church, nice shape
tba 32229
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 800B 40x8x2 No case. 1 PSU.
2800.00 32292
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft 800B 40x8x2 It has a 8000 output section ,64 point matrix,Inputs have 8 aux+subs,4 band eq.Case, Star Ground Mod,Warranty!!! 5900.00 12386
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Delta 200 24 Has the 201 modules, has sweep eqs on mids
1300.00 15062
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Delta 8 24x4x2 With case
1800.00 32047
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Europa 28+12x12x2

6000.00 15076
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Europa 40x8x2 Case and supply, VGC!
11,111.11 12949
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Europa 40x8x2 With doghouse case and 1 PSU. 2 available. Thin cheeks that fit in a 92" truck. 11,999.99 11705
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Europa 40x8x2 Classic VCA board, Case and two supplies
13,000.00 33154
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Europa 40x8x2 With 3 piece case with doghouse and 2 SSG supplies. New faders, VGC! 12x8 matrix, 8 VCAs, what else do you need? 14,444.44 7423
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft K1 16

1500.00 32172
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft K1 32x4x2 With Case, 2 PSUs.
5000.00 15154
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft K2 24+4x8x8x4 10x4 Matrix,8 Groups, 8 Auxes
5500.00 31959
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft K2 32+4x8x8x4

tba 32858
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft K2 48+4x8x2 Awesome board, EC!! EC!!!, case and two psus
9700.00 32376
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft K3 20+3x8x2 With extended case and 2 PSUs.
3755.55 13887
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft K3 28+3x8x2 With extended case and 2 PSUs.
4999.99 13886
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft K3 Theatre 24x8x3 With case and 2 PSUs. 4 stereo returns. Matrix
5950.00 8911
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft K3-TC/FX-48 48x8x2 Metering in every channel,matrix modules, and the 2 psus with a little rack., 6800.00 16124
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft MH3 TP 40+8 With 2 PSUs,ATA doghouse case , about two years old Mint, with meterbridge and littlelites, more 19,999.99 32224
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft MH4 40 With 2 PSUs, case,
22,000.00 31993
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft MH4 40 With 2 PSUs, case, caser for psus; one year old with 90 day warranty from seller 24,000.00 15816
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft PSU CPS150

250.00 15583
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Series 2 24x8x2 OLD series II, 4 band EQ with sweep low!s, was Ted Nugents.needs work. Now it can be yours! With case. ASIS! BO 777.77 7758
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Series Five 40+4 No case, from an install in a nice comfy church
22,222.22 15031
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Series Five 48+4x10 With doghouse case, 2 PSUs. With Warranty. EC!
35,500.00 32637
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Series Two 32x8x2 No case. 1 PSU, probably needs a cleaning
5000.00 33065
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Series Two 40x8x2 With Case, 2 PSUs.
8000.00 15153
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Spirit 600
525.00 13901
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Spirit 8 24+2x8

1800.00 14947
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Spirit Folio 16x2 VGC
400.00 12823
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Spirit Live 2 24x2 No Case, 1PSU from an install
tba 32443
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Venue 16x8x2 With case and 2 PSUs.
2444.44 13891
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Venue 40x8x4x2 With meter bridge, 1 psu, always been in a church, in great shape 8000.00 32197
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Venue II 32x8x2 New demo with full warranty. No case.
4000.00 32966
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Venue Theater 32x8x2 With case and psu. GC.
4500.00 32890
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Venue Theatre 24x8 With 1 year warranty
5111.11 14052
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Vienna 40+8x8x2 With 2 SSG supplies and extended case. Has VCA grand master. In good shape. 7777.77 13905
MIXERS FOH Soundcraft Vienna II 40+8x8x2 With doghouse case and 2 psus. GC.
11,000.00 32888
MIXERS FOH Soundtracs Megas Stage 2 40x8x2 Case, 2 psus, was in a church. a lot of board for the $$$!!!
3111.11 15812
MIXERS FOH Soundtracs Solo 24x4x2

925.00 33043
MIXERS FOH Soundtracs Topaz 24x4

500.00 33152
MIXERS FOH Studiomaster 24X4X2 24X4X2 Old as Methusala, scratchy pots, but souns good and clean Has Anvil factory case. 800.00 13998
MIXERS FOH Studiomaster Proline 16-2R Gold 16x2 Rack mount mixer with sweep mid EQ. Missing a couple knobs, otherwise OK. 299.00 15115
MIXERS FOH TAC Bullet 28x4x2 With 1 PSU and a case.
1200.00 12477
MIXERS FOH TAC SR6000 40x8x2 With case and 2 psus. GC.
8250.00 32891
MIXERS FOH TAC SR6000 40x8x2 With doghouse case and 2 PSUs.
17,500.00 4104
MIXERS FOH Toa RXA212 12x2 Powered mixer has 2x130watt( WOW) amps. With case.
425.00 3830
3 phono cards
2121.00 15821
3 phono, 5 line, and 3 mic inputs,Split/Master cue system Stereo XLR balanced output.. 180.00 15394
MIXERS FOH Wheatstone/audioarts PSU
2 rack space psu, military connectors Good for 1089, mx80, m16, m6. 400.00 14628
MIXERS FOH Yamaha 1516 16 with a case
990.00 32153
MIXERS FOH Yamaha 1604 16x4

500.00 15517
MIXERS FOH Yamaha 2404 24

900.00 32567
MIXERS FOH Yamaha 2404 24x4 GC
600.00 15518
MIXERS FOH Yamaha 2404 24x4x2 With case.
600.00 7633
MIXERS FOH Yamaha 2404 24x4x2 With case. GC
888.88 12695
MIXERS FOH Yamaha DM2000
With case., meterbridge
13,300.00 32174
MIXERS FOH Yamaha GA32/12 32x8x2 With case.
2000.00 32824
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M1516 16x4x2 With case and PSU. Great shape for its age and comes with the manual. 449.99 8692
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M2000 40 Case, 2 pus, VG
tba 16127
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M2000 40+2x8 With case and 2 PSUs.
5432.10 14385
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M2000 40x8 Corporate use only, and then totally gone through and ready for sale!!! 7200.00 32261
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M2500 32 New Demo,with case, warranty, always in showroom. And 14 auxes, 6600.00 14667
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M3000 40

call 15894
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M3000 40+4 Real nice shape, TP, littlelites,
6999.99 14671
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M3000 40+4x8 EC!
10,500.00 11484
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M3000 40+4x8x2 With case, two psus.
5555.55 13600
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M3000 40+4x8x2 With case, two psus, littlelites
7500.00 14457
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M3000 48x8x2 With 2 PSUs and doghouse case. GC.
7000.00 33016
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M3000a 40 case with doghouse
7200.00 32014
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M3000a 40 FULL TP, currently installed in a church.
7200.00 33054
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M3000A 40+4 TP, with rocker stand., 16 aux sends
7000.00 14561
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M406 6x2 Old but cool.
155.00 15753
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M406 6x2 Rack mount mixer, . EC! Like a mini pm2000, good sounding, good quality. 200.00 15489
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M406 6x2 Rack mount mixer, . EC! Found 1 more! How could you possibly turn this down. 300.00 15514
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M7-CL32 32 Still in box
17,000.00 32168
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M7-CL48 48 still in box
21,000.00 32167
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M7-CL48 48 has PSU and meterbridge , used 2 times
TBA 32933
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M916 16x4x2 With case.
555.55 3513
MIXERS FOH Yamaha M916 16x8x2 With case. GC.
700.00 33017
MIXERS FOH Yamaha MC1602 16x2 3 band EQ with mid sweeps, 3 aux. , monitor and 2 effects send, 16 channels and left and right no subs here 500.00 32141
Some available.
250.00 13899
MIXERS FOH Yamaha MV802 8x2 2 spaces, 2 aux.
165.00 12211
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM1800 16

1600.00 15321
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM1800 40x8x2 one PSU
4000.00 15320
Now's your chance to save and get a gently used PM1D. set for 220-240voltage. call 16037
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM1D module:AI8-AD8. 1 2 available, tested and work fine, price is each
1444.44 32403
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM1D module:AI8-ML8AB 1 2 available, tested and work fine, price is each
1888.88 32407
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM1D- 96x32 Incredible EC!!!! Of course. 86,000.00 32844
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM1D- 1-DSP1D-EX 48x24 Incredible 1 engine case, rack, cards, EC!!!! Of course. 82,000.00 16104
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM1D- 2-DSP1D-EX 102x88 Incredible 2 engines (dual mirror can have 4 shows!) case, rack, cards, complete, and wowie! EC!!!! Of course. 126,126.00 14677
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM2000
call 15091
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3000 40 No case, no warranty
3999.99 32189
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3000 40 In a case with 2 PSUs.
7500.00 32129
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3000 40x8x2 With doghouse case and 1 PSU.
5500.00 33076
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3000 40x8x2 With doghouse case and 2 PSUs, New faders!
8111.11 32638
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3000-40 40x8 From a theatre install, refurbished.
5999.99 14602
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3000-40 40x8 2 psus in a case, doghouse flight case, 4 spare modules. GC. Nice and quiet. 6555.55 13980
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3000-40 40x8x2 Good for club install, will need a go through to get it ready. 3939.39 13950
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3000-40 40x8x2 With 1 PSU and 3 piece Janal case. Works well!
6111.11 9201
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3000-40 40x8x2 Nice refurbished road case with doghouse, 2 psus. Board well maintained. 7500.00 15958
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3000-40 40x8x2 Case, 2 pus This one has been babied, price tba tba 16126
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3000-40 40x8x2 With Case, 2 PSUs, switcher and parts.
call 15152
MIXERS FOH yamaha PM3000-40c 40x8x2 One owner, two power supplies, one case, nice too
5858.58 13614
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3000-40c 40x8x2 With Jannel case, 1 psu, in good working condition.
5999.99 9194
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3000-40c 40x8x2

7000.00 32151
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3500 20+8 20 mono, 8 stereo, in nice condition With case and 2 PSUs. 18,000.00 32934
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3500 40 One of the newer ones and light use
18,000.00 33161
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3500 44+8x8x2 With case and 2 PSUs.
22,000.00 15779
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3500 48+4 Tourpac. VGC!, offers condsidered.
30,000.00 10774
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3500 52 52 channel (48 module) console with 4 stereo returns 8 subgroups, 8 aux, split matrix, 8 vcas 18,000.00 33075
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM3500-52 52

18,500.00 33052
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM4000 32+4x8 From an install, 2 psus, EC, not too old
21,100.00 15434
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM4000 40+12x8 Clean. sonic-ly fine, 2 power supplies with switcher, 3 piece Olympic case , . Regional use. 23,333.33 10907
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM4000 40+8 48 channel frame, R&R doghoused case, nice
tba 32693
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM4000 44+8 2 Psus and a flight case
25,555.55 14840
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM4000 46+6x8 Was from an install, 2 PSUs and a case.
23,232,32 14955
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM4000 46+6x8 Original owners, about 8 years old, no problems, case 2 PSUs 28,000.00 16036
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM4000 48+4 With 2 psus, case, original owners, mostly corporate work well maintained, no touring. Does have a few small problems. 18,888.88 15507
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM4000 48x8x2 With 2 PSUs and doghouse case. GC.
23,500.00 33014
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM4000 52 Has NOT done a lot of touring
24,444.44 32118
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM4000 56x8x2 With 8 stereo modules, 2 PSUs and a case. 10 available.
39,995.00 5628
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM4000 64x8x2 52 frame with 12 stereo modules, 2 PSU & rack and a flight case. 32,200.00 13633
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM4000-48C 44+4 Standard config. Case +2 PSU .
22,999.99 15072
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM5000 52x8x2 With 2 PSUs and doghouse case. VGC!
50,999.00 33015
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PM5000 96 P E R F E C T C O N D I T I O N, used a handful of times. TP (its over 70K new!!) 55,000.00 32166
TP, New, call
call 15432
TP,, save $$$ with a gently used less than 2 year old tourpack setup. call 32972
Barely used, of course
59,000.00 33206
TP, New, call
call 15433
MIXERS FOH Yamaha PW4000
For PM4000 and PM3500 models,
tba 16039
MIXERS FOH Yorkville AP818
Powered mixer with soft case. GC.
325.00 33022
All prices in US Dollars   This page updated 9/11/06

For Questions or to order gear call 610-865-9151, fax 610-758-9999, or email .

 For Credit Card orders, please fax a written purchase order (please fax), but, do NOT email credit card numbers until we set up  secure email.

 All Prices are in US Dollars.

All gear is in satisfactory working condition, unless otherwise noted.  

All gear pricing is per individual unit, unless otherwise stated.

Please see the INFORMATION page for more details.

 H.T.I.C.S. Used Professional Audio  610  865  9151   


Providing over 15 years of used gear sales and support to the proaudio community.



Jika Anda Ingin Transaksi Cepat dan Mudah Pilihlah Slot Depo 5k Dana yang Memungkinkan Anda Melakukan Deposit Hanya dalam Beberapa Detik

Jika Anda ingin transaksi yang cepat dan mudah, pilihlah Slot Depo 5k Dana. Menggunakan aplikasi Dana memungkinkan Anda melakukan deposit hanya dalam beberapa detik, yang membuat Anda bisa segera menikmati permainan slot tanpa menunggu lama.

Mahjong Slot menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang lebih seru dengan mekanisme permainan yang terus berkembang. Mahjong Ways dan Mahjong Ways 2 menghadirkan konsep cascading reels yang membuat kemenangan terasa lebih dinamis. Scatter Hitam menjadi fitur favorit karena bisa mengaktifkan putaran gratis dengan potensi kemenangan lebih tinggi. Dengan grafis modern dan efek suara yang membuat suasana semakin imersif, permainan ini tidak pernah membosankan. Mahjong Slot menjadi pilihan tepat bagi mereka yang mencari permainan dengan kombinasi strategi dan keberuntungan.

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