JUST ADDED/Information
Looking for Gear???
You've come to the right place. H.T.I.C.S. is a business devoted to helping people and companies buy and sell used pro audio, lighting and staging equipment. Check out our website. If you are looking for gear not listed, please let us know. We maintain lists of special gear requests. Let us know what you need, who you are and contact information (name, phone, address, email, company/group name, etc.) and we can search for your specially needed gear.
New Listings
This page will have the most current additions to our gear list, as well as a few hot items. Please visit the new listings page.
How often is this website updated?
When we get a chance. Real soon now. It will be more frequently as we get better at this web stuff.
New gear listings are arriving all the time. Please be sure to let us know if you are seeking gear not listed on our webpages.
Web Site Anniversary
We've been on the web for four years now! We put up our first website Thanksgiving weekend 2001. Yup, we were the last kids on the block to do a website.
So, on the web for almost five years, and helping people, companies, groups, organizations buy and sell used pro audio and lighting for over 15 years
Lots of great gear getting listed. This is the time to buy and sell gear!
Your gear not listed here yet?
- Watch for the gear page updates on a regular basis. If you've listed gear with us recently, your gear should be added to these pages soon. Watch these website pages for regular revisions and updates. If you haven't updated your gear listings with us in the last three months, your gear might not be posted here.
- Email (or fax) updates and new listings to: ; Fax 610-758-9999
Repair Services
Please Click here to learn about HTI repair services, from High Tech International, a separate company.
OLD News / OLD Information
(nothing important here)
NEXT H.T.I.C.S. catalog????
Some day.... We've been getting so many calls and emails from the website, we just haven't had time.
Gear Search Page.
Please visit our Gear Search Page. This is where you'll find a long list of gear for which we are searching for our buyers. We're always looking for gear to sell. (needs to be updated, sorry)
Buying Gear?
Yes, please buy the gear. The gear is really for sale, so buy early and often.
We'll be happy to send you a printed version of our website in the form of our catalog that we've been sending out for over 10 years.
Please send your Name, Organization/group name, address, telephone number to , and we'll send you our current catalog.
Has Your Catalog Subscription expired??
Please check your mailing label on your blue 02A catalog. If you see the code LL on it, this blue catalog is your last one, unless we hear from you. The blue catalog is the last one sent out by mail
If you only have the old orange or yellow or red or green, etc. then you might wish to contact us with updated information Now that we have a website, if we haven't heard from you in over a year, we will require catalog renewal (phone, email, fax or mail) indicating you still wish a catalog.
H.T.I.C.S. Catalog!
The Spring 2002 H.T.I.C.S. catalog is the current printed catalog. It has a blue cover, and the issue number is 02A. The official mailing date was 2/9/02.
It's the biggest H.T.I.C.S. catalog ever. Jammed packed with most of the listings you see here on the website.
Issue 02A (blue) catalog has been received in Northern NJ on 2/14/02 by Moore Sound. Thanks for being our first caller on our new catalog.
- Yes, we want your comments. Send to: I know this is really rough. There are no bells, no whistles, no fancy stuff; just the facts. But gosh golly gee, we've done it.
- Obvious improvements will include: better navigation, better design elements, gear pictures, better spelling, (didn't use spell check on this version), Secure email, cool links, guest book, kid pictures and ultimately a search function. Don't expect a "shopping cart" setup for a very very very long time, if ever.
Lynn likes the number 13 - so if your used gear listing with H.T.I.C.S. is number 13,013 you'll get a small prize and lots of kidding. (just because it's fun)
We have a Winner!
It's Chris Henley of Arizona, that's sooo cool.
This page updated the 8th of March, 2005
This page revised 9/06
This page revised 2/07, some new news will be new soon
mildly updated 8/08, but who cares